
Seal-A-Line is a special coating that seals the edge of masking tape on hand painted lines so that no line marking paint migrates under the edge of the masking tape.

This creates lines so sharp that they look as if they were cut into the surface with a knife.

Seal-A-Line is applied as supplied using a paint brush or roller after masking tape is put down. The coat of Seal-A-Line dries quickly (10 minutes in good drying conditions). When dry, apply a coat of Novatex textured line paint. When masking tape is removed, the sharpest white line possible results.

  • Minimum Application Temperature is 50°F and rising.
  • Application is with a brush or roller.
  • Seal-A-Line is not hazardous* and is free of lead, mercury, asbestos and formaldehyde.

*According to standards in place at the time this document was created, this product is rated non-hazardous

Line primer

Use Seal-A-Line undiluted
White when liquid. Clear when dry.
1 gallon pail, 1 gallon squeeze bottle, 5 Gallon pail
10 lbs per gallon
color selectorData Sheetprotect from heatdo not freeze